Beekeeping and the History of Root Candle Company - Wednesday, October 18th at 7:00 PM presented by Kim Flottum in the Bath Township Museum
Mark your calendars!
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The Bath Historical Society Ice Cream Social and BBA Road Rally will be September 10th, 2017.
The Ice Cream Social will be from 1:00 - 3:00 PM in the Stony Hill Schoolhouse (49 Hametown Road) and the Bath Business Association Road Rally will follow at 3:00 PM. Join the Bath Historical Society for some good old fashioned ice cream and cake, and enjoy our historic Stony Hill Schoolhouse. No charge for the Ice Cream Social! The annual Bath Business Association Road Rally, a non-timed, photographic excursion throughout scenic Bath Township. Rally participants depart the school house grounds at 3 p.m. after receiving a photo sheet depicting a dozen or so mystery locations. While there are no anticipated costumed interpreters in this year’s rally, the photo “theme” is historic and “experienced” buildings in Bath in anticipation of Bath’s 2018 Bicentennial.Following the return of all participants from their sojourn through the highways and byways of Bath, dinner will be served in the tent on the schoolhouse grounds, with prizes awarded for the most locations found and accurately identified with addresses. Cost for the road rally is $10 per vehicle, regardless of size, number of occupants or wheels on the vehicles; dinner is $10 per person and $5 for children under age 12. Registration for the road rally and the dinner is required by September 6. Registration forms are available here or at The Bake Shop in Ghent, 800 Wye Road, after August 21. For details, call 330-666-3347. Antiques Road Show- April 26th at 7:00pm at the museum
Jane Langol of Hinckley will be appraising American made articles on a first come first serve basis. $5 charge per item- limit of three items. Please no large furniture or jewelry, watches, firearms, coins, or international items. The Bath Historical Society Rummage Sale is March 10th and 11th from 9 am to 3 pm.
Now accepting donations! Drop off times are Monday and Wednesday from 9-11 am. Please call Gail at 330-285-4840 or Cindy at 330-697-7208 beforehand. Please no clothing or large furniture. Our current exhibit is 'Downton Bath 1900-1950
Opening April, 2016- This exhibit will feature the Whitcraft Store and the 1912 Fire, the families of Manton, Saalfield, Englebeck, Cranz, and Whitcraft, Ira Hershey, Mary Linder ( widow and janitor of town hall), and Bath Trustee Warren Scott Thorp Closing date: December 7th, 2016 Join us Wednesday, October 19th at 7:00 PM in the museum!
See you Sunday, September 11th for the Bath Township Historical Society Ice Cream Social!
AuthorThe Bath Township Historical Society Archives
September 2018
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